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美國 Westone AM PRO 20 專業舞台用被動式降躁入耳式耳機

$1,998 $1,388

Until now performers have had to choose between a dedicated in-ear monitor mix or an ambient experience. Now, you can hear and feel the energy and input from the audience, fellow performers and the stage—together with the incredible audio clarity, frequency response, and punch that only a Westone In-Ear Musicians’ Monitor can provide. The AM Pro 20’s dual balanced armature drivers and passive crossover deliver extended response and detail.

Traditional open vent ambient monitors compromise and degrade the frequency response of an in-ear monitor. With Westone’s exclusive SLED™ technology, you are in control of your musical environment. Enjoy full-range frequency response from your in-ear monitor signal, hear and feel your surroundings, and engage with fellow performers and your audience like never before. Recommended for on-stage monitoring and band practice..

• Westone True-Fit Technology: 50+ years experience with in-ear applications has yielded a low-profile, lightweight, universal earpiece which delivers maximum comfort and in-ear coupling for dynamic transfer of sound.

• Balanced Armature Driver: Westone’s balanced armature drivers are significantly more compact and efficient than traditional dynamic drivers. By combining multiple balanced armature drivers with sophisticated crossover networks, Westone monitors provide enhanced sonic detail and frequency range that extends well beyond typical in-ear solutions.

• MMCX Audio™ Connecter: Designed specifically for musicians’ monitors, our audio connector ensures a reliable connection every time.

• Patent Pending SLED™ Technology: Combines your ambient surroundings with your monitor signal with no compromise to the frequency response.

• TRU™ Audio Filter: Allows you to fully experience your performance—hear your band, your fans, and everything else.


【陳列品】美國 Westone – AM PRO 10 專業舞台用被動式降躁入耳式耳機

$1,499 $650

Until now performers have had to choose between a dedicated in-ear monitor mix or an ambient experience. Now, you can hear and feel the energy and input from the audience, fellow performers and the stage—together with the incredible audio clarity, frequency response, and punch that only a Westone In-Ear Musicians’ Monitor can provide. Traditional open vent ambient monitors compromise and degrade the frequency response of an in-ear monitor. With Westone’s exclusive SLED™ technology, you are in control of your musical environment. Enjoy full-range frequency response from your in-ear monitor signal, hear and feel your surroundings, and engage with fellow performers and your audience like never before. Recommended for on-stage monitoring and band practice.

• Balanced Armature Driver: Proprietary design produces the most accurate and detailed sound in the world.

• Acoustic Symmetry: Left and right earpiece responses are matched to a +/- 3dB tolerance.

• Proprietary SLED™ Technology: Combines passive ambient sound with the monitor mix.

• True-Fit® Technology: Low profile and ergonomic design allows all day use with no ear fatigue.

# 試聽店舖: 金雞廣場| 星際城市|

美國 Westone – UM PRO 50 專業入耳式耳機

$3,998 $3,168

UM Pro 50 採用三路分音技術,是 Westone 首款配備五動鐵單元的非定制耳機,亦是 UM Pro 系列耳機中最多的單元數目,一個低頻單元搭配各兩個中頻與高頻單元。

Westone 全新Signature Series系列耳機,專為舞台、錄音室…等專業音樂工作者而生,而首款登場的UM Pro 50監聽級耳機搭載五個平衡電樞式單體,為首款搭載單體數最多的非客製化監聽級耳機,除了聲音的立體與層次增強之外,其音質的細緻度更加出色,聲音更純 淨、自然。然而,值得一提的是 Westone UM Pro 50監聽級耳機的靈敏度為115db,這意謂著聆聽者不需要太專業的音樂播放器,只要使用個人一般隨身訊源,如智慧型手機便可以推動耳機,輕鬆入主頂級音 質。

UM Pro 50監聽級耳機搭載五個平衡電樞式單體,以一個低頻單體搭配二個中頻與二個高頻單體,再加上三路分音技術的格局,呈現逼真開闊的音場感。耳機最顯著部份在 於大幅增強聲音的立體層次度,包括中高音頻的人聲或樂器聲,音質飽滿度;重低音部份,在維持紮實感同時也兼顧聲音的細緻度與延展性,維持耳機原來純淨的音 色。也因為UM Pro 50監聽級耳機舒適平衡、具層次的出色音質,除了可用來聆聽各種類型音樂,另外也很適合專業音樂製作時mixing用途。此外,耳機的靈敏度為 115db,使用者只要使用隨身手機,就可享受到耳機所帶來頂級的音質。

耳機硬件部份,Westone UM Pro 50監聽級耳機同時導入耐用高且不易糾纏的Epic Cable雙絞線,以減少靜電及噪音干擾。除此之外,耳機採用分離式MMCX接頭,新型MMCX接頭能大幅增強接點穩固性,也方便音樂發燒玩家們可依聆聽 喜好搭配其他高級線材使用。

外觀設計上,UM Pro 50監聽級耳機維持品牌一貫設計,以極具辨識度的半透明耳機外殼呈現,甚至由半透明耳機外殼中,就能清楚看到耳機內建的五顆單體,展現出濃厚的專業度。然 而,耳機佩戴舒適度部份,UM Pro 50監聽級耳機採用專利設計、符合醫療等級的STAR矽膠耳塞,除了能提供更貼緊耳道的隔音效果,長時間佩戴下來也不會覺得悶熱不適,耳機在着重設計之 餘,也考慮到佩戴的舒適感。


【陳列品】美國 Westone – UM PRO 30 專業入耳式耳機

$3,199 $1,200

Westone UM Pro 30 入耳式耳筒


‧EPIC 專業耳機線



【陳列品】美國 Westone – UM PRO 20 專業入耳式耳機

$2,199 $980

Westone UM Pro 20 入耳式耳筒

‧雙單體的 UM Pro 20 則適用於樂團主唱、鼓手與 Bass 手等需要抓節拍的表演人員

‧EPIC 專業耳機線


# 試聽店舖: 金雞廣場| 銅鑼灣| 星際城市|

美國 Westone – UM PRO 10 專業入耳式耳機

$998 $928

Westone UM Pro 10 入耳式耳筒
‧EPIC 專業耳機線